Wednesday 8 September 2010

Contextual Information On Film..

Historical Information On The Film.. The film An Education is based in the early 1960's their is a lot of historical content in the film. As i believe the way in which women are treated in the film speaks a lot about the time in which it is based. As women were treated very differently in the 60's to what they are today. Also the school that Jenny (lead character) attends shows the audience a lot about the way of life back then and the sorts of rules that were applied to schools in the 60's. For example music was on the time table as they found it very important for children to be educated within musical instruments as it was a sort of indication for intelligence back then. Also the fact that she went to an all girls school implies perhaps that single sex schools were very popular schools in the 1960's. Also the relationship Jenny had with her parents speaks not only about her own family relationships but it also represents many other young girls relationships with their parents. As the 60's was very much a different time to today as parents where deemed to be much stricter. Jenny's relationship with her parents does not only fall under the social information on the film but it says volumes on how young ladies were supposed to act back then and the treatment they received from their parents. Also the expectations certain parents had for their children this falls under historical information as perhaps at time a lot of middle class parents had similar expectations for their children.

Social Information On The Film.. I find that the social information of the film falls under the fact that men and women were treated vastly different in the 60's. As for instance the lessons in which girls were taught back in the 60's still were not exactly the same curricular as the boys. Not only this but it was still as if the parents had a massive say in who their daughter married and dated, this sort of thing falls under social information as parents do have a lot of say in who your friends with or not. Socially Jenny is bound to a few girl mates but her parents do not discard boys it is still under their control. I found that socially this film has a lot of content that is far different to today as Jenny hangs out with much older people its clear that this sort of social behaviour was acceptable then as today their would be much uproar if a young girl was acquaintances with an older man or perhaps dating him many parents of today would find it outrageous. This matter shows a vast difference the film plays on today's social status and that of the 60's. I found quite a few comparisons to today's world socially amongst the film such as David the man Jenny falls in love with actually already has a wife. This has a lot of connections with the present as it still is socially worrying for a man of importance to be found out as a cheat. Also that his lover to be that of a younger woman is also socially shocking and causes many to be disgusted. Also socially casts a very bad shadow upon his wife as if shes not good enough it all causes a lot of gossip. I found also Jenny's situation in the affair to be comparative of the present as the lover's always get thought of last. As if they do not matter and that their are treated rather unjust especially if they did not know the man was married. Also they seem to get much of the blame and can become socially rejected from people.

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